Collaborative Learning about Farm Recording Incorporating Podcasts - April 2021 - March 2022
This project was funded by the IDEAL programme of USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA).
This project was funded by the IDEAL programme of USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA).
It was led by our sister not-for-profit organisation, AgriTechTalk International CIC, in partnership with AgriTechTalk Africa and Farm Radio International.
This project piloted a revised social learning approach to increase the awareness and practice of farm recording among smallholder farmers in Northern Uganda. It delivered a series of small group learning sessions, incorporating audio podcasts to support acceptance of farm recording with five rural farmer groups in Moroto district, Karamoja.
Under this project, AA International was contracted by AgriTechTalk International to develop all of the project's podcast scripts; trainer manuals; recording book formats; and supporting information sheets.
You can find out more about the project here.
AA International’s PET app is being used by our partner, AgriTechTalk Africa, to collect data on Livestock Body Condition data for this EU funded, project.
The aim of the SIRGE project is to understand and reduce the environmental impacts of Uganda’s growing beef industry. Led by ACTED, the project aims to contribute to the climate-relevant, productive, and sustainable transformation of agriculture and food systems in Uganda, by fostering innovation and rural communities’ and institutions’ access to new technologies, for the reduction of the Ugandan beef sector’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and environmental impacts.
This project aims to increase the resilience of livelihoods to threats and crises. Included in its outputs are to develop the capacity of participating countries to conduct livestock body condition assessments and range monitoring; and to institutionalise these within annual food and feed security assessments.
The livestock and rangeland data are being collected in Uganda using AA International's PET app. In February 2022, PET field training was delivered to Ugandan Ministry Officers in the districts of Mbarara and Nabuin by our partner, AgriTechTalk Africa. Forage and livestock PET assessments by these officers are ongoing, with analysis and reporting being conducted by AA International.
Working our sister NGO, AgriTechTalk Africa, on an ILRI project, we developed training resources to develop the value chain for small-scale Ugandan pig farmers. These materials were rolled out to agricultural officers during training delivered by AgriTechTalk Africa in the Masaka and Mukono districts of Uganda. The materials provide simple systems and tools that could be used to calculate the gross margin of the farmer's pig enterprise, enabling better understanding of profitability, and so improved decision making.
The Drought and Flood Mitigation Service (DFMS) aimed to develop improved climate, hydrological and Earth Observation forecasts and information for Uganda. In association with our sister NGO AgriTechTalk Africa, our combined involvement included the regular collection and analysis of crop yield and livestock body condition data across the Karamoja sub-region, using AAI's PET methodology.
Although primarily collected for project monitoring, the assessments enabled AAI to produce regular reports on crop yield and livestock condition, circulated to Uganda Ministry officers for planning and information purposes.
Field data were collected by the AgriTechTalk Africa field team, based in Karamoja, Uganda.
AA International, on behalf of the EU funded "Support to developing a market-oriented and environmentally sustainable beef meat industry" (MOBIP) recruited and managed the services of a senior international veterinary consultant to draft an Animal Health Master Plan (AHMP) for the Government of Uganda.
Our consultant developed, finalised and delivered a plan that provides a framework guiding the progressive improvement of the perfomance of Uganda Veterinary Services in line with the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) standards.
Completion and finalisation of PET Manuals for Uganda took place between March and October 2015..
Fieldwork for the development of PET-Crops and PET-Livestock Karamoja took place between January-February 2015 and September-October 2014.
Delivery of training for UN FAO in the recently completed PET-Crops Karamoja and PET-Livestock Karamoja methodologies took place following completion of the manuals and their use in the field, in July, August and September 2015.
To read more about PET Methodology click here.
To learn more about PET Crops and to download the PET-Crop Karamoja manual click here.
To learn more about PET Livestock and to download the PET-Livestock Karamoja manual click here.
To read more about PET Training click here
Ongoing in-country support was provided by AA International staff, to AgriTechTalk International's "INIK" project in Karamoja, supported by USAID via the TOPS programme, in partnership with Mercy Corps.
Programme Improvement Awards were designed to conduct and/or document innovative, best practice-focused activities, operations research, or pilot programs to strengthen the quality and efficient effective delivery of Food for Peace-supported food security programs.
This project involved the production of two new Uno How numeracy modules, the animation of three modules and delivery to agricultural officers and farmers in Karamoja.It built on AgriTechTalk International's FUNCTIONAL NUMERACY FOR FOOD SECURITY project (May 2014), which was also based in Karamoja and supported by USAID via theTOPS programme, in partnership with MercyCorp. This project included the production of two Uno How numeracy modules, as well as delivery to agricultural officers and farmers in Karamoja, with support from AA International.
Download the Uno How Numeracy Modules from our archive or read more about this these projects on the AgriTechTalk website.