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  • Somalia Projects

Support to the establishment of Livestock Feed Security Assessment System in Kenya, Somalia, Uganda and Sudan

March 2020 – September 2022

This project aims to increase the resilience of livelihoods to threats and crises. Included in its outputs are to develop the capacity of participating countries to conduct livestock body condition assessments and range monitoring; and to institutionalise these activities within annual food and feed security assessments.

Following in-country PET training for field officers, by our partner AgriTechTalk Africa, livestock body condition and forage yield data have been collected using the app in three zonal areas of Somalia (North East; North West and South Central) in post-gu and post-deyr assessments, during August – October 2021; and February – March 2022.

These data were collected by Somalia based Ministry officers, with data analysis and reporting conducted by AA International. Discussions on the integration of PET data into regular food security reporting processes at national level are ongoing.

Food Security and Sustainability in Fragile Situations (FSSFS) Project

June 2019 – May 2023

The FSSFS project aims to sustainably improve food security, nutrition and livelihoods and to build resilience among vulnerable households and their communities within Puntland, Somalia. 

One of the project’s components is the strengthening of the Ministry of Livestock and Animal Husbandry’s capacity to monitor the status of livestock in the country,

This will be through the deployment of a rapid and quantified Livestock Body Condition Scoring methodology, and the improvement of data collection and analysis. This action is being delivered by our partner AgriTechTalk Africa, focusing on training and support on collection of data using our PET app. Data analysis and reporting by AA International commenced in August 2021.

Evaluation of FAO interventions, Somaliland

UN FAO/FSNAU - January 2013


In January 2013, AA International Ltd led a review of FAO interventions on Somaliland since 2006.

Rapid Assessment of Cereal Production in Somaliland

UN FAO - December 2012


AA International Ltd led a comprehensive assessment of cereal production in all farming areas of the NWAP Zone in Somaliland.

Crop Assessment Training in Hargeissa

UN FAO - June 2012


AA International provided training to 4 teams of assessors in Hargeissa, Somaliland. This comprised crop yield assessing for South and Central Somaliland using PET Crops Somalia and field sampling methods.

To learn more about PET Crops Somalia and to download the PET Crops Somalia manual click here.

Somaliland Crop Production Assessment Mission

UN FAO/FSNAU - November 2011


AA International led a team of FSNAU, WFP and MoA staff to undertake a post harvest assessment in the NWAP zone, to cover farms in the rainfed production localities of Gabiley, Hargeissa, Borama and Baki districts with a view to determine the cereal balance in State of Somaliland; and evaluate the livestock production status.

The mission took place after an intensive 10-day practical training programme for 21 Somali assessors in the use of PET (Pictorial Evaluation Tool) approach for a rapid assessment of cereal production and livestock body condition scoring, using manuals prepared for FAO-Somalia by AA International Ltd during 2009 and 2010 seasons.

To learn more about PET training click here.

Rapid Surplus Assessment Mission, Somaliland

UN FAO - October 2010


AA International staff, together with FAO, FSNAU, WFP and MoA Somalialand conducted an assessment mission in North-West/Toghdeer Agro-Pastoralist zone to assess crop performance; determine approximate levels of surplus in Borama, Baki, Hargeissa and Gebiley districts and levels of local procurement that would be appropriate.

PET Crops and PET Livestock Somalia

UN FAO - August, October-November 2009 and January-February 2010.


Initiation for the PET Crops and PET Livestock Somalia took place in August 2009, with field work untaken over several months during 2009 and 2010.

The manuals were published in 2010 by AA International.

To read more about PET Crops Somalia and to download the manual please click here.

To read more about PET Livestock Somalia and to download the manual please click here.

Pictorial Evaluation Tool Training, Somalia


In July 2010, AA International undertook training of assessors in the use of PET Crops Somalia and PET Livestock Somalia.

To find out more about PET Training please click here.